Spaces for Life

The ReTouch Home Improvement blog



Spaces For Life: 10 Reason to be more thankful NEXT Thanksgiving

By Lance McCarthy

Have you ever been carrying a pack that was really heavy, then let it down and felt like you were floating?  Or bought new shoes and realized how uncomfortable the old ones really were?

We can get used to almost anything!  Especially in our homes.  Think about that list of broken things in your house right now.  Now think about how long some of those things have been that way!  See what I mean?

After a project, clients often come back to us and say, “I didn’t realize how good this would feel!” or “I can’t imagine still living in the house the way it was before!”

I can’t give you that feeling before THIS Thanksgiving, but I could before NEXT Thanksgiving…

So I’ve put together 10 reasons the hypothetical You could hypothetically be more thankful next Thanksgiving if we worked together on a hypothetical project to improve your home.


Next Thanksgiving I’ll be thankful for:

  1. A coat closet that doesn’t require using the Jaws of Life to make enough room for one more coat.
  2. Enough kitchen cabinet space to store my cereal IN the cabinet instead of ON the fridge.
  3. An open enough space that I can SEE my kids punching each other in the living room while I’m making dinner instead of just HEARING them punch each other.
  4. An island in the kitchen.  (I think that one needs no explanation)
  5. Enough space for everyone to sit together instead of forcing the cousins from Oklahoma to sit at the card table on the back porch. Again.
  6. A bath fan that works so that I can use the restroom whenever I want to.  Even if Uncle Harold was the last one in.
  7. A laundry that isn’t in the basement so I can work on those wine stained clothes after the MU/KU fistfight that broke out among the cousins.
  8. The double vanity that allows my spouse and I the freedom to brush our teeth with as much elbow room as we deserve.
  9. The shower that doesn’t require me to bend over to get my head wet.
  10. Having a master suite that is private enough for me to actually write this list in peace and quiet.

Doesn’t that sound nice?


Now, I’m sure that some of you will object to this list and call these blessings petty 1st World problems that shouldn’t be trifled with on our last unspoiled holiday.  You will read this on your tablet as you are watching your tv and say this is a day for family and food and gathering our strength for the trials of Black Friday.  You are right.  I’m sorry.  Now could you get me something from the Apple Store tomorrow while you’re out?


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