By Lance McCarthy
Ever had a great idea for a business that you just kept putting off starting? (Ask me about my printer ink recharging scheme sometime). Over the years, several smart people have suggested that I start a sister business helping people maintain their homes. Luckily, I found someone who is already doing it, and thought you should hear about it. Meet David Cotter.
Lance: Hi David, what are the Cliff’s Notes version of what you do?
David: Prime Residential Management gives homeowners the ability to live a maintenance free lifestyle. There has been a recent trend away from owning a home (think condos and lofts), partly caused by the headaches related to homeownership. A leaky faucet, a hole in the wall, furnace filters…it all takes time and energy that could be spent with family or friends.
Lance: So you’re like a concierge for their home?
David: Yes. We are able to address any issue that may arise.
Lance: So, can you get me tickets to the Taylor Swift concert? For my “friend”?
David: No. Just home related issues.
Lance: How does it work?
David: We start with an in-home consultation to explore which option might be the best fit for each member. The plans have a monthly fee that provides everything from preventative maintenance, to vacation coverage, to inspections. We will even keep track of the paint colors on the walls.
Lance: So…in Johnson County homes…that would be…all of the varieties of beige?
David: That’s right. And gray. It’s the new beige.
Lance: Who is the type of person who would love this service?
David: There are really four types. The busy professionals, the active families, independent seniors, and most importantly, those who are tool challenged.
Lance: Do you get extra points if you are a tool challenged professional senior family person all in one?
David: Yes. There is a sticker and frisbee with our logo and everything.
Lance: So, what have you run across lately?
David: Recently during a preventative maintenance check on a house in Leawood we found that the dryer vent wasn’t connected right and was building up a pile of lint that had become a fire risk, an outlet had been mis-wired and was in danger of short circuiting, and a slow leaking pipe that was building up mold on the drywall.
Lance: Yikes! Sounds like the prequel to the Money Pit.
David: There was a happy ending because the fixes were all free of charge as part of the maintenance plan.
Lance: Free. That’s pretty affordable. Do I need to pick up my underwear before you come over to do the walkthrough?
David: No. We sign a confidentiality agreement before we start, so just do your thing.
Lance: It feels like you are saving me from my own tendency to put off home fixes.
David: That’s right. It is a lot easier to fix a leak than to fix the moldy drywall that comes after a leak.
Lance: Now versus later.
David: Right. It can be a great solution for example, if a wife has been waiting for a bathroom for years and the husband keeps putting it off.
Lance: David, I don’t know what you are talking about. Husbands never put things off. Like ink charging businesses and stuff…
David and I have a lot in common. We are both passionate about improving the spaces people live in. If you have any questions for him, go ahead and reach out.